Luzie Milena Weigelt is an artist from Berlin, Germany.

She creates performative situations, open for the audience to explore.
By reconstructing everyday objects and familiar surroundings that are often overlooked,
she encourages us to notice the in-betweens of our daily lives, provoking curiosity and self reflection

Driven by a strong curiosity and constant reflection on life processes, my work developed in a natural way from a traditional theater context towards a more immaterial and social/life related practice. Internal and external research are essential to my work. Most of my projects start with explorations of my outdoor surroundings, observing public space and human behavior. What I receive, I translate, mostly in immaterial forms. I am interested in non-verbal expressions such as movement and gestures, exploring within and beyond the genre of performance work. To share my observations, I create situations with participatory elements where the audience can experience their own relationship with the subject matter.